Sunday, June 20, 2010


It has been hectic week, (see here )but I've mostly kept up, thanks to this black green liquid energy called "Chlorophyll." If you need energy, get this stuff! You can also buy it at the health food store, but it is much cheaper on the net, I've just found. I love feeling squirrelly, but when I get pregnant that often is compromised unless I have this stuff. I'm not able to get off the couch without it. I've been taking it like Ron's tobacco habit, so I've been feeling energetic. (If only my hips would co-operate.)
The heat has hit this past week & I've been able to get up earlier to beat the heat. I'm no longer out 'til after lunch because it is way too hot. Hoeing has slowed down because the plants are large enough on the rows to choke out the sunlight, so now it's just down to picking. This activity would be much more pleasant if I didn't have a PESTILENCE!! About 4 posts ago, I was bragging on this diligent little creature that has often been on my mind over the past several years as the Lord has sanctified me. My respect for it has bottomed out this summer. Those 'diligent' ants the sluggard is supposed to consider while laying up in bed all summer, not gathering in the winter food storage, is a moocher at my place. They think *I* planted *THEM* a garden and have been very territorial about it!! Never in all my almost 20 years of gardening have I had a problem with fire ants in my okra!?! They're almost on every stalk! They've found they love the blooms! Of course, they've always known they love the purple hull peas, but now also they think they've got it made in the shade of my butter bean plants as well!

I've declared WAR, just at a time when sevin dust has shot through the roof.
"Feeling Antsy?," the billboard asks? The Brandon momma & children are...

This picture is for a dear brother to see how you hoe with a Glaser Colinear Swiss Hoe. It makes hoeing addictive since there is zero back breaking work involved. (It's all in the biceps) Sorry Will, I had no idea how many Glaser Swiss Hoe products there were!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happenings around here

Spring is over by the temps we had last night! It usually doesn't get to 75 until 9 or 10am, but it didn't even come out of that temp all night! Goodbye, upper 60's!
We have gotten over 40 quarts of snap beans already, the okra has begun to be picked, the purple hull peas & the butter beans will be in next week! I usually spend about 4 hours in the morning in the garden, come home for the heat of the day to put up the fruit of our labor, try to catch up on a little housework, lay down with the 'babies' (one in, one out) for an hour's rest, and head back out in the afternoon to do some more maintenance hoeing.
I have the watermelon patch all nice & cleaned out like I want it, but I am needing some newspaper end rolls from the Daily Journal that would keep the grass out of this patch. I hardly ever leave home because I'm so busy here, (except for Wed. & Sun. church) so if there is anyone who happens to pass by there ever and goes to our church (or would like to visit our church to get it to me :-), I would appreciate someone grabbing me a couple rolls to help me out tremendously! I don't need it this weekend, but would like it soon before it starts growing up. We're also killing chickens two days this next Thursday & Friday if anyone would like to come out to learn this skill or lend a hand. Also, this Thursday is my 40th birthday! I'm glad to be older & 'wiser!'

I'd love not to have to hoe this again while everything else is coming in..

Neo hoeing in the butterbeans behind Macrae in part of the watermelon patch.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Tale of Two Cindys

Thanks to a dear brother for this article he posted on facebook whom I've seen have a radical change from decisional regeneration to Holy Spirit regeneration. (as explained below)

A Tale of Two Cindys
Author: Daryl Wingerd

A few years ago, two women began attending the same local church at roughly the same time. Although these women didn't know each other, they shared striking similarities. Both came from abusive backgrounds, both were substance abusers, both were unmarried but living in sexual immorality, and both were in trouble financially.They even shared the same first name (for the sake of privacy I'm calling them Cindy and Cindy, but these are not their real names).

A friend of mine is a pastor at this church. He and his wife sacrificially poured their lives into both Cindys, sharing the gospel faithfully and repeatedly and offering as much practical and financial assistance as they were able. In time, both women professed faith in Jesus Christ, became members, and immersed themselves in church life.

All seemed well until Cindy number 1 began to miss church on occasion, for reasons that were less than compelling. After a time her non-attendance became a habit that was broken only when she had an urgent need, usually for financial or practical assistance. After a while she became involved once again in sexual immorality, although she tried to keep this hidden from the church. Eventually she began living with a married man, and, though confronted by pastors, she refused to repent. Now she has fallen away completely.

Cindy number 2, on the other hand, began growing in Christ from the outset. She loved His Word and she loved His people. She gave up the bottle and embraced the cross instead. Hers was not a short-lived experience like Cindy number 1. She has gladly put away her immoral lifestyle in exchange for the joy of holiness, and has been walking in consistent purity. Everywhere she goes she tells people about Jesus—including the hospital room where she frequently sits with her unconverted father who is dying. People who knew her before her conversion cannot help but wonder if she is really the same person. She has a quiet peace about her and her face shines with the love of Christ.

Why is there such a great difference between these two women now when at first they seemed to have so much in common?

Was Cindy number 1 not properly discipled after her profession of faith? No, they both sat under the same teaching in the same church and were lovingly cared for and privately taught by the same Christian couple.

Was the church not as responsive to the needs of Cindy number 1 as Cindy number 2? If you were to ask my friend he would say no. If anything, he tells me, more time, energy, and loving care was poured into Cindy number 1.

Was Cindy number 1 not as sincere when she professed faith in Christ? No, both professions of faith seemed genuine and entirely credible at the time. Both women seemed determined to live for Christ.

Did Cindy number 1 lose her salvation? Was she justified by faith and then unjustified because she fell away into sin? No, God's Word assures us that all who are truly justified will also be glorified (cf. Rom. 8:30-39; John 10:27-28).

The sobering fact is, although both Cindys professed faith in Christ, only one of them was truly converted. That's not just my opinion, it's what we must say if we are to be honest with others and faithful to Scripture. Biblically, we have no basis for calling a person a Christian if he or she bears no characteristics of a Christian. At the present time, Cindy number 1 bears none of the marks of a true believer. Instead, she consistently exhibits many of the characteristics of the ungodly and unbelieving. And as John said,

By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother. (1 John 3:10)

Cindy number 2 is not perfect—no Christian ever will be in this life—but she is growing more and more Christ-like all the time. She is diligently pursuing holiness and she loves her brothers and sisters in the church so much that she longs to be with them regularly. This is the work of the Spirit of God in her, progressively completing what He has started. It is what He does in all who truly belong to Christ. Those who are truly God's children have been "predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29).

So what's the main point of this story? The point is, when God saves a person, He also changes that person, not superficially or at a merely emotional level that causes tears of sorrow and a sincere response to an invitation, but deeply and comprehensively, in every area of life—and not temporarily, but permanently.

Jesus spoke of "those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy" (Luke 8:13). Both Cindys looked like this at first. From our limited perspective they both looked like true believers. But Jesus goes on in the same verse to describe what happens next to people like Cindy number 1. He says, "and these have no firm root; they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away."

Cindy number 2, on the other hand, is described in Luke 8:15 when Jesus says, "these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance." True saving faith is transforming faith, and as Jesus said, "it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved" (Matt. 10:22).

Note from Heather: Thank you for reading thus far. In our Bible study we do on Mondays, I have recently learned of what seemed obvious my whole conversion, but was spelled out. Different denominations have different definitions of what it means to be born again.

The first & oldest is the Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican view of Baptismal Regeneration. This means if you get baptized, even as an infant, you are made a believer in Christ, going to heaven. God says many different things about what makes a Christian a Christian & this is not it. Lots of unholy, God haters are in prison with zero fruits of God's spirit who were baptized as infants. Revelations 21:7 says "He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone"

The second is Decisional Regeneration. This is what the Southern Baptists believe. If you put your trust in a 3 point prayer, believe, confess, receive,(which is not trusting in Christ in reality), then you have your golden ticket to heaven, regardless of no change in your life, habits, or heart. The change doesn't have to be as drastic as the one Cindy above, who lead a life of debauchery, but a good moral person can also change. I've seen so much of this in my church. Good moral people who never did anything terribly 'wrong' such as the Cindys, but had bitterness, pride, anger, greed, or any of the inward invisible sins, yet laid it aside to become an obvious lover of Christ, which leads me to my last & correct view.

Holy Spirit Regeneration This is the work that God does that really changes a person, first from the inside, working it's way to the outside behavior. "17Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2Corinthians 5:17, "He who endures to the end will be saved."Matthew 10:22, "for everyone born of God overcomes the world" 1 John 5:4 and so on & so on all the perseverance of the saints verses.

I'm thinking of one dear fellow at our church, Dr. Moeller, who was an excellent moral man before he came to Christ. He went to church faithfully, more out of a sense of duty, however, not really ENJOYING it as God's children do. He was a quiet introvert, who confessed freely after being truly born again, that he worried a lot. Now he is so different, his positive attitude, his outgoing mannerisms, his obvious LOVE for Christ, that old things have passed away & all things have become new. It really is to me more miraculous for a self-righteous, moral person to see their need for a Savior from their sins than the Cindy types mentioned above.

Anyway, I say all this, to ask, what would Jesus say about some of the professing Christians who are members of your church? Do you even go? Are they more like Cindy number 1, like the person described in Luke 8:13? Or are they more like Cindy number 2, like the person described in Luke 8:15? What about your own children who made early professions of faith but are now teenagers? Most importantly, what about you?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

more randomness

Is Matt Miller on fb? naahh...
Macrae had had enough
Lots of great theological discussions go on around this campfire.

Hannah with a freshly gathered batch of the medicinal herb, yarrow.
Some of it's uses are for arthritis,
colds & flu, hemorrhage, ect.
Our first batch of snap beans are in! June 1st!
Shocking, because it's so early! Planting the garden the first week of April should help out with my time of birth. Maybe I'll be good & finished with the garden, so I can possibly nest for Ivy's arrival. I love getting a jump on things & it just so happened we didn't have a mid-late cold snap in April to foil my plans. We racked up about 9 quarts with this first batch. The butter beans will be in next week!
A zinnia color besides orange & pink. This one is salmon.
And finally, my favorite, a red cactus zinnia!