Sunday, June 20, 2010


It has been hectic week, (see here )but I've mostly kept up, thanks to this black green liquid energy called "Chlorophyll." If you need energy, get this stuff! You can also buy it at the health food store, but it is much cheaper on the net, I've just found. I love feeling squirrelly, but when I get pregnant that often is compromised unless I have this stuff. I'm not able to get off the couch without it. I've been taking it like Ron's tobacco habit, so I've been feeling energetic. (If only my hips would co-operate.)
The heat has hit this past week & I've been able to get up earlier to beat the heat. I'm no longer out 'til after lunch because it is way too hot. Hoeing has slowed down because the plants are large enough on the rows to choke out the sunlight, so now it's just down to picking. This activity would be much more pleasant if I didn't have a PESTILENCE!! About 4 posts ago, I was bragging on this diligent little creature that has often been on my mind over the past several years as the Lord has sanctified me. My respect for it has bottomed out this summer. Those 'diligent' ants the sluggard is supposed to consider while laying up in bed all summer, not gathering in the winter food storage, is a moocher at my place. They think *I* planted *THEM* a garden and have been very territorial about it!! Never in all my almost 20 years of gardening have I had a problem with fire ants in my okra!?! They're almost on every stalk! They've found they love the blooms! Of course, they've always known they love the purple hull peas, but now also they think they've got it made in the shade of my butter bean plants as well!

I've declared WAR, just at a time when sevin dust has shot through the roof.
"Feeling Antsy?," the billboard asks? The Brandon momma & children are...

This picture is for a dear brother to see how you hoe with a Glaser Colinear Swiss Hoe. It makes hoeing addictive since there is zero back breaking work involved. (It's all in the biceps) Sorry Will, I had no idea how many Glaser Swiss Hoe products there were!

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