Tonight is one of those nights again I can't sleep. I'm excited. My Great Divine is the Lover of my soul & I'm so full I need to pour forth. "My soul is satisfied as with the richest of foods." The past two Sunday have been amazing! No matter who steps in the pulpit at our church, the result is electrifying. God is so good to bring us to green pastures! My heart cries, "Yes, yes!" to the things being spoken, I am as alive now as I was when I found my First Love. My pastor can slice religion off Christianity with the precision & skill of a brain surgeon. One of our other preacher brothers stirs my zeal to pursue hard after the "One my soul loves" like young David under the starry hosts playing his harp & watching over his sheep. I am in the company of great men & women of God who are concerned of the things of the Lord. I have been full circle.
I trust my Shepherd now when He uses the rod. It is to share in His holiness. I have felt the dark shadow of His back turned to me in my pride & self-righteousness. One form of self righteousness is when you get proud of the righteousness you've been *given* (keyword, here) & are frustrated when you try to get others to do it too, & they don't want to. HE hasn't called them there, YOU are trying to make them do *it.* ( Whatever you pet righteous act is.)The pride comes when you think others must be like *You* & do like *You* do. God can take care of His children, each one does the function He wants them to do, not what you decide for them to do or be like. He can take care of His business. The focus is not our righteous acts, the focus is Christ & Him alone. All other things flow out of Him. I now feel the light of His countenance turned towards me in clear fellowship again with a clean conscience. I am however, very rotton. He is holy. He has mercifully imputed His holiness to my rottoness. Nothing can change that I now know. I went through a dark time in my life when He applied the rod to me, & I sulked away in a corner thinking He didn't love me. Things didn't go my way. His ways are better than mine, I now trust him as a child trusts his parent when daddy says, "No, no, the flame is hot. You cannot play with that.'" He saves me from myself, He knows what I need, & when I need it. My Daddy is LOVE!!
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