Water guns, frisbee, new movies, & a cute little girl toddler have made life more abundant around here this week. I'll have to get a picture of the family up when I get them all together.
Macrae got a brown recluse spider bite, we think it is, day before yesterday. It had a big nasty yellow, pussy blister on it, so we popped it and this was what was left. All these years of having brown recluse spiders, (at least 16 years that I know of) only me, Neo, & now Macrae have gotton bitten. The skin underneath had another layer of pussy blister & a black spot. It was hard to get a good picture, he wouldn't be still it hurt so bad. There is a sure cure out in the yard though, picture below.
"Work first, play later!" Even when the cousins spend the night, we put them to work first thing in the morning. Jeremiah got his first taste of hoeing. He had a great attitude about it. It was still cool that morning.
He had this on his mind that was the reward. When the heat got into the upper 80's, he was ready to go swimming at the channel. They've found a neat sandy cliff to jump off of.
My cactus zinnias are blooming.
The first time I've ever had Calendula bloom ( or live rather). Come to find out, these blooms are medicinal, but they'll be just as pretty for Trey Riley's wedding as the Bachelor Buttons the next flower up. Yay for blue flowers!